The availability of a wide range of industrial equipment and tools, rapid technological changes, the presence of reputable and untrustworthy brands, the supply of counterfeit goods that are similar to the original, and the growing of claimant suppliers have led to many craftsmen in the country becoming obsessed with choice. It wastes a lot of time and can sometimes result in an inappropriate purchase. Any blunder in this regard, however, can be extremely costly and harmful.
Incompatibility of the purchased product with the required features, ignoring workplace standards and conditions, excess required design, insufficient attention to the product manufacturer’s capabilities, Incompatibility with other components and functional conditions, Not paying attention to the appropriate training, as well as the accessories and lateral equipment required for the equipment’s proper operation, … All of these are examples of hidden or overt costs that result in customers losing money or, at best, producing things at a considerably higher cost than they expected.
CB Iran Company with access to the latest technological developments and years of experience in distributing industrial goods across the country, has devised and established unique techniques for offering consultancy services and determining the best industrial equipment. Over the years, proper use of these processes has helped CB Iran customers reduce their risks and expenses. The general procedure for performing the task is thoroughly reviewing and identifying the requirements as well as the functional circumstances, Examine the situation for safety and possible tolerances, Determine the risks and functional sensitivities, Furthermore, introducing the best solution or equipment that is matched to the customer’s needs and expectations.